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Joe Angelo
Bearded since: 1971.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Back in the '70s, I was making a statement by wearing a beard. After a few years, it went beyond being a statement and became part of who I am.

I feel I've always had it and always will. I don't know what I look like without it and don't care to know. How I look with it is just the way I look.
Keywords: full_beard

Joe Angelo

Bearded since: 1971. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Back in the '70s, I was making a statement by wearing a beard. After a few years, it went beyond being a statement and became part of who I am.

I feel I've always had it and always will. I don't know what I look like without it and don't care to know. How I look with it is just the way I look.

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