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Steven Lee B.
Bearded since: 1964. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I hated shaving.  My 5 o'clock shadow would appear by noon.  LOL. Only cut it off once when I was forced to in grade seven by an older, unmarried woman teacher who was "scared of me" and once when my son was about a year old, so my first wife could see me without it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard.  Can't imagine being without it! My wife Georgina loves it and takes care of it for me, too. She calls it her "bonsai project".   My son Jake even grew a beard when he had his first daughter so his short whiskers would not scratch her delicate face. He's had his beard since 2002.
Keywords: full_beard

Steven Lee B.

Bearded since: 1964. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I hated shaving. My 5 o'clock shadow would appear by noon. LOL. Only cut it off once when I was forced to in grade seven by an older, unmarried woman teacher who was "scared of me" and once when my son was about a year old, so my first wife could see me without it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard. Can't imagine being without it! My wife Georgina loves it and takes care of it for me, too. She calls it her "bonsai project". My son Jake even grew a beard when he had his first daughter so his short whiskers would not scratch her delicate face. He's had his beard since 2002.

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