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Michael N.
Bearded since 2006.  I mm a dedicated, permanent beard grower.
Why did I grow my beard? Had once since 2006 ranging from 1/2"-2" in length and haven't looked back. In November 2011 I decided to stop fighting it and unleash it fully.

I feel free and alive when I have a beard.  I feel like a new man.  Now I am in the midst of going for a full year of growth for the first time.  I was a 1"-3" beard guy.  I'm almost eleven months in and have no plans on stopping until at least Christmas.
How do I feel about my own beard? It makes me a superhero pretty much. I feel stronger, tougher, more manly.  Children trust it.  Men envy it.  Ladies adore it.  It makes me feel like a tough guy.  I love when random people look and I stare back. I'm a possible beard bully?  I "mean mug" them and they shy away.  I get many older people who tell me they love the beard. My wife tolerates it, but I think she secretly loves it, too.  I feel more confident. I feel like the top of the world.  I have yet to see such a great red beard in real life other than mine. :)
Keywords: full_beard

Michael N.

Bearded since 2006. I mm a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Had once since 2006 ranging from 1/2"-2" in length and haven't looked back. In November 2011 I decided to stop fighting it and unleash it fully.

I feel free and alive when I have a beard. I feel like a new man. Now I am in the midst of going for a full year of growth for the first time. I was a 1"-3" beard guy. I'm almost eleven months in and have no plans on stopping until at least Christmas.

How do I feel about my own beard? It makes me a superhero pretty much. I feel stronger, tougher, more manly. Children trust it. Men envy it. Ladies adore it. It makes me feel like a tough guy. I love when random people look and I stare back. I'm a possible beard bully? I "mean mug" them and they shy away. I get many older people who tell me they love the beard. My wife tolerates it, but I think she secretly loves it, too. I feel more confident. I feel like the top of the world. I have yet to see such a great red beard in real life other than mine. :)

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