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Paul G.
Bearded since: 1973. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I had a mole on my cheek that used to bleed for weeks if I ever nicked it. I've had that one removed since then.  But a couple of others popped up below the tidemark.  They're still there, unseen and ever safe from risk of the blade. I trim my beard to this length to keep it practical and managable.

How do I feel about my beard? It's all good. Stops the wind from blasting down my neck when riding my motorbike.
Keywords: full_beard

Paul G.

Bearded since: 1973. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I had a mole on my cheek that used to bleed for weeks if I ever nicked it. I've had that one removed since then. But a couple of others popped up below the tidemark. They're still there, unseen and ever safe from risk of the blade. I trim my beard to this length to keep it practical and managable.

How do I feel about my beard? It's all good. Stops the wind from blasting down my neck when riding my motorbike.

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