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Keith L.
Bearded since: 2011. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Shortly after high school I maintained a goatee and mustache shortly trimmed for over a decade. Then for Novembeard 2011, I started growing a full beard as a work thing. Then in February 2012, I started another and let it grow untouched (except to remove the "neard") 'til Cinco de Mustache (May 5). I received many compliments on the status of my beard after only two and half months. On Cinco de Mustache, I switched to the friendly mutton chops. I still receive compliments and the word "Epic" is usually thrown around.

How do I feel about my beard? At first, I found it different having only had a goatee and mustache since high school. At the two-month mark I really came to appreciate having it. I hear the only way to ensure a good looking beard is to have one first. That means let it grow, no matter what it looks like the first time. Then after two-three months you have a canvas to work with for trimming to really refine your beard.
Keywords: full_beard

Keith L.

Bearded since: 2011. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Shortly after high school I maintained a goatee and mustache shortly trimmed for over a decade. Then for Novembeard 2011, I started growing a full beard as a work thing. Then in February 2012, I started another and let it grow untouched (except to remove the "neard") 'til Cinco de Mustache (May 5). I received many compliments on the status of my beard after only two and half months. On Cinco de Mustache, I switched to the friendly mutton chops. I still receive compliments and the word "Epic" is usually thrown around.

How do I feel about my beard? At first, I found it different having only had a goatee and mustache since high school. At the two-month mark I really came to appreciate having it. I hear the only way to ensure a good looking beard is to have one first. That means let it grow, no matter what it looks like the first time. Then after two-three months you have a canvas to work with for trimming to really refine your beard.

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