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Will H.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I started out with a baby face, but as I got older and lost my hair I thought I would make up for it with a goatee. Last year my wife and I were joking around about me growing a full beard like my dad since I was on vacation.  So about eight months ago I started and haven't stopped. We went through a few stages of long goatee, short full beard, etc. but people love the red and how big it is and we are always drawing attention, especially since we live in a small country town. It's always funny when people ask if I wash it and it's usually always the first thing someone asks about when they meet me. It's been an ongoing joke at my job and with family, but I am seeing just how long I can get it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard full. At times it itches and drives me crazy, but overall I like having it. With age I am looking more and more like my dad, who also has a full beard, but only during certain months. I enjoy that it makes me stand out in a crowd and different than everyone else.
Keywords: full_beard

Will H.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I started out with a baby face, but as I got older and lost my hair I thought I would make up for it with a goatee. Last year my wife and I were joking around about me growing a full beard like my dad since I was on vacation. So about eight months ago I started and haven't stopped. We went through a few stages of long goatee, short full beard, etc. but people love the red and how big it is and we are always drawing attention, especially since we live in a small country town. It's always funny when people ask if I wash it and it's usually always the first thing someone asks about when they meet me. It's been an ongoing joke at my job and with family, but I am seeing just how long I can get it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard full. At times it itches and drives me crazy, but overall I like having it. With age I am looking more and more like my dad, who also has a full beard, but only during certain months. I enjoy that it makes me stand out in a crowd and different than everyone else.

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