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Steve Smith
Bearded since: 1991.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard originally, I suppose, to make my face look stronger and more mature! It also gives you a certain control and authority over people. Granted I look a bit like a mad axe man, but as a friend once said to me, without it I wouldn't be me!

I like it.  It's become a part of me now and not having a beard doesn't really suit me anyway. My partner and cat like to snuggle up to it as well, so it's there forever now!
Keywords: goatee_mustache

Steve Smith

Bearded since: 1991. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard originally, I suppose, to make my face look stronger and more mature! It also gives you a certain control and authority over people. Granted I look a bit like a mad axe man, but as a friend once said to me, without it I wouldn't be me!

I like it. It's become a part of me now and not having a beard doesn't really suit me anyway. My partner and cat like to snuggle up to it as well, so it's there forever now!

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