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Josh K.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I've always had a strong appreciation for a glorious beard. I began growing a beard at the age of sixteen (even had a few pictures up on this site back then), but always ended up shaving it for a design. However last year, I felt the inspiration and made the commitment to grow a full-on, untouched, glorious beard. As of the end of this month (April, 2012) it will be nine months since I've cut it. I'm very proud of it, and have no intentions of turning back. I'm also very proud to be a part of this elite gathering of men who understand the beauty in facial hair.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel very confident in my beard. I feel it brings out my personality. The timing was right when I began growing it out this last time; it' s thick, long, and goes well with my long hair. Overall, I'm very happy and I don't expect to see myself without it any time soon!
Keywords: full_beard

Josh K.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I've always had a strong appreciation for a glorious beard. I began growing a beard at the age of sixteen (even had a few pictures up on this site back then), but always ended up shaving it for a design. However last year, I felt the inspiration and made the commitment to grow a full-on, untouched, glorious beard. As of the end of this month (April, 2012) it will be nine months since I've cut it. I'm very proud of it, and have no intentions of turning back. I'm also very proud to be a part of this elite gathering of men who understand the beauty in facial hair.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel very confident in my beard. I feel it brings out my personality. The timing was right when I began growing it out this last time; it' s thick, long, and goes well with my long hair. Overall, I'm very happy and I don't expect to see myself without it any time soon!

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