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Thomas B.
Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I first started growing facial hair when I started working in an office in 1990 (I was nineteen) and wanted to look more mature. Over the years since then, I can only think of a few times when I've been without facial hair. I also grow out my beard at Christmas to play Santa at various charity and work functions.

How do I feel about my beard? Having facial hair in general for me is a natural state of being. I typically have a beard, but have been known to trim down in hot climates. If I do trim down it usually is back to a full beard within a few weeks.
Keywords: full_beard

Thomas B.

Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I first started growing facial hair when I started working in an office in 1990 (I was nineteen) and wanted to look more mature. Over the years since then, I can only think of a few times when I've been without facial hair. I also grow out my beard at Christmas to play Santa at various charity and work functions.

How do I feel about my beard? Having facial hair in general for me is a natural state of being. I typically have a beard, but have been known to trim down in hot climates. If I do trim down it usually is back to a full beard within a few weeks.

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