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William T.
Bearded since: 2010. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My wife looked at my week-old beard one day. She touched my face gently and smiled. I decided then to try it out, being as I've had numerous attempts to grow one in the past but seeing how my wife looked at me with such admiration and love I thought I should have another go at it.

Since then I have been growing it. I have only trimmed it three times. One time was because of a job interview which turned out to be unnecessary anyhow because the company wanted my skills and didn't care if I had a beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard. I have not always gotten such good response to it though. I have had to hear all sorts of insults and dealt with a number of stupid questions. Needless to say I've kept to it and not let it stop me and in some way it has increased my drive to grow it.

My beard has become a part of my identity and for some reason has sparked an interest at my work in beards. Many of my coworkers have tried or even grown a full beard. I told them always, "A beard is something natural and every man should at least try it one time in his life."
Keywords: full_beard

William T.

Bearded since: 2010. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My wife looked at my week-old beard one day. She touched my face gently and smiled. I decided then to try it out, being as I've had numerous attempts to grow one in the past but seeing how my wife looked at me with such admiration and love I thought I should have another go at it.

Since then I have been growing it. I have only trimmed it three times. One time was because of a job interview which turned out to be unnecessary anyhow because the company wanted my skills and didn't care if I had a beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard. I have not always gotten such good response to it though. I have had to hear all sorts of insults and dealt with a number of stupid questions. Needless to say I've kept to it and not let it stop me and in some way it has increased my drive to grow it.

My beard has become a part of my identity and for some reason has sparked an interest at my work in beards. Many of my coworkers have tried or even grown a full beard. I told them always, "A beard is something natural and every man should at least try it one time in his life."

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