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Brandon D.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard?  Two words: Aarnie Bielefeldt (World Beard Championships competitor).

How do I feel about my beard? I think my beard is just fantastic. A man needs a hobby, if only just to pass the time, and I'm glad that I found bearding, because it's something a man can excel at without having to worry about taking himself too seriously.
Keywords: full_beard

Brandon D.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Two words: Aarnie Bielefeldt (World Beard Championships competitor).

How do I feel about my beard? I think my beard is just fantastic. A man needs a hobby, if only just to pass the time, and I'm glad that I found bearding, because it's something a man can excel at without having to worry about taking himself too seriously.

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