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Nick Hobbs
Bearded since: 1998.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I never felt myself until I grew a beard. My father, whom I respect and revere, has always worn a beard.  Family legend has it that just after they were married, my father shaved off his beard. My mother, upon discovering that he had no chin, insisted that he grow it back.

I feel my beard reflects my taste for olde worlde style and my coming of age as a man. I've worn a beard since I was 28 and now could not live without it. The habit of teasing my beard in times of deep thought has become integral to my personality.
Like dogs, men go grey around the muzzle first and the grey hairs now sprouting on my moustache line make me feel like I can flaunt the wisdom that the passing years have granted me.
Keywords: full_beard

Nick Hobbs

Bearded since: 1998. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I never felt myself until I grew a beard. My father, whom I respect and revere, has always worn a beard. Family legend has it that just after they were married, my father shaved off his beard. My mother, upon discovering that he had no chin, insisted that he grow it back.

I feel my beard reflects my taste for olde worlde style and my coming of age as a man. I've worn a beard since I was 28 and now could not live without it. The habit of teasing my beard in times of deep thought has become integral to my personality.

Like dogs, men go grey around the muzzle first and the grey hairs now sprouting on my moustache line make me feel like I can flaunt the wisdom that the passing years have granted me.

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