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Cody H.
Bearded since: 2010. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard mostly because I  wanted to experiment. I am one of the only seventeen year olds in my school with facial hair. I did not know much about growing a beard until I found this site. And it really helped me with good tips and up keep on my beard. I am always wanting to switch it up every now and then to see what my beard is capable of.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel like it's an honor to have a beard. No!  It's more like a privilege to have the gift of growing facial hair. People hate on my beard every now and then which makes me question myself to keep or shave my beard. But I finally realized that they are just scared and instead of asking questions they would rather make rude comments towards me. So I think having a beard really helped me become a more independent and stronger person because I am not afraid to stand up to anyone knowing that I look pretty bad@ss while doing it.
Keywords: goatee_only

Cody H.

Bearded since: 2010. I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard mostly because I wanted to experiment. I am one of the only seventeen year olds in my school with facial hair. I did not know much about growing a beard until I found this site. And it really helped me with good tips and up keep on my beard. I am always wanting to switch it up every now and then to see what my beard is capable of.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel like it's an honor to have a beard. No! It's more like a privilege to have the gift of growing facial hair. People hate on my beard every now and then which makes me question myself to keep or shave my beard. But I finally realized that they are just scared and instead of asking questions they would rather make rude comments towards me. So I think having a beard really helped me become a more independent and stronger person because I am not afraid to stand up to anyone knowing that I look pretty bad@ss while doing it.

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