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Bearded since: 1999. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Long story. Two weeks before university exams at vet school, a friend and I decided to grow a beard on the basis that when you see someone thinking deeply, they tend to stroke their beard. Having one to stroke seemed logical (alcohol may have had an influence on this discussion). The "whiskers of wisdom" were then born.

After five years of this intermittent beard growing on the approach to finals, studying started a good eight weeks before the exam. The whiskers of wisdom, having been successful so far, were initiated.

After two months and a successful exam, I now had a reasonable beard. Then the thought hit me. What happens if I shave it off? Will I forget everything I learned?

It hasn't been shaved, trimmed or styled since.

For formal occasions or when doing surgery (for reasons of hygiene), I sometimes plait it.

How do I feel about my beard? It is the source of my powers.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1999. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Long story. Two weeks before university exams at vet school, a friend and I decided to grow a beard on the basis that when you see someone thinking deeply, they tend to stroke their beard. Having one to stroke seemed logical (alcohol may have had an influence on this discussion). The "whiskers of wisdom" were then born.

After five years of this intermittent beard growing on the approach to finals, studying started a good eight weeks before the exam. The whiskers of wisdom, having been successful so far, were initiated.

After two months and a successful exam, I now had a reasonable beard. Then the thought hit me. What happens if I shave it off? Will I forget everything I learned?

It hasn't been shaved, trimmed or styled since.

For formal occasions or when doing surgery (for reasons of hygiene), I sometimes plait it.

How do I feel about my beard? It is the source of my powers.

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