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Justin K.
Bearded since: 2005. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard to get onto

How do I feel about my beard? I feel my beard is pretty thick compared to the average redhead. I make sure I take better care of my beard than I even take of the hair on my head. My beard is thick but also trimmed, not too out of control. I like having a nice beard because it seems like I am part a secret society that you cannot enter into unless you can grow a nice beard. My beard is rugged, yet elegant, burly, yet dignified.
Keywords: full_beard

Justin K.

Bearded since: 2005. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard to get onto

How do I feel about my beard? I feel my beard is pretty thick compared to the average redhead. I make sure I take better care of my beard than I even take of the hair on my head. My beard is thick but also trimmed, not too out of control. I like having a nice beard because it seems like I am part a secret society that you cannot enter into unless you can grow a nice beard. My beard is rugged, yet elegant, burly, yet dignified.

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