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Edward E.
Bearded since: 2010.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I play trombone in a high school marching band. It was never pointed out to me, but I realized at the end of my sophomore year that for a couple of years, there has been a bearded, or at least facial-haired, trombone player. I soon realized it was my duty to take this responsibility as the bearded senior was graduating.  The summer before junior year, I grew a beard. It was tough, I was growing it in the middle of summer band camp in Florida with temperatures into the nineties (Fahrenheit). But I persevered and by football season I had my first beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it. This is my second time around. My first time I was a little unsure. Everyone would tell me to shave.  Teachers would be scared of me and people began to pull/tug on it. Unfortunately, I caved in and shaved, but not before trying out a couple of different styles. Everything except for my full beard looked odd, so I shaved it all off and started over. This time I was completely sure this would be a lifestyle choice. All this strengthened my belief that I am a beard lover.
Keywords: chin_curtain

Edward E.

Bearded since: 2010. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I play trombone in a high school marching band. It was never pointed out to me, but I realized at the end of my sophomore year that for a couple of years, there has been a bearded, or at least facial-haired, trombone player. I soon realized it was my duty to take this responsibility as the bearded senior was graduating. The summer before junior year, I grew a beard. It was tough, I was growing it in the middle of summer band camp in Florida with temperatures into the nineties (Fahrenheit). But I persevered and by football season I had my first beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it. This is my second time around. My first time I was a little unsure. Everyone would tell me to shave. Teachers would be scared of me and people began to pull/tug on it. Unfortunately, I caved in and shaved, but not before trying out a couple of different styles. Everything except for my full beard looked odd, so I shaved it all off and started over. This time I was completely sure this would be a lifestyle choice. All this strengthened my belief that I am a beard lover.

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