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beard galleries

Bearded since: 1997.  I am an experimental beard grower.

A couple of times I started growing a beard because my electric shaver had quit or gotten lost or packed away.

After it's started, it feels like I'm earning something that I have to wait for, like growing tomatoes in the yard. But unlike tomatoes, I get to enjoy the flavors this thing saves for DAYS!

How do I feel about my beard? I really like it now that I've bothered to grow it, learned a little about both taking care of it and having a little style. One of the funnest experiences of my life was having frost grow on my beard while breathing hard in the -5 degrees Fahrenheit air, or having ice form while biking into the snow or rain. Beardsicle rules! We need a category just for beardsicle!


Bearded since: 1997. I am an experimental beard grower.

A couple of times I started growing a beard because my electric shaver had quit or gotten lost or packed away.

After it's started, it feels like I'm earning something that I have to wait for, like growing tomatoes in the yard. But unlike tomatoes, I get to enjoy the flavors this thing saves for DAYS!

How do I feel about my beard? I really like it now that I've bothered to grow it, learned a little about both taking care of it and having a little style. One of the funnest experiences of my life was having frost grow on my beard while breathing hard in the -5 degrees Fahrenheit air, or having ice form while biking into the snow or rain. Beardsicle rules! We need a category just for beardsicle!

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