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Nikolas Sanow
Bearded since: around 2002 or 2003.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I'm practically certain that my beard was initially grown out of sheer laziness and poor hygiene due to my punk rock upbringing and desire to upset those who accepted social norms.  Later on after I realized I had a beard, I kept it around because I remember back when I felt jealousy toward my friends Gordon and Mick for being able to grow very thick and glorious beards when I could grow none.

I wish my beard were thicker and that it grew in places that it doesn't.  I have seen some mighty and glorious beards, beards that put my beard to shame, beards that inspire me towards greatness.  I feel that maybe through sheer will and want, I can motivate my beard into the place of greatness I feel it truly should be at. 

Aside from this, when I have a beard I feel normal.  I hardly even realize I have a beard, it is a part of me, one and the same.  When I make the foolish mistake of cutting it down, I feel an immediate lack of power and prestige, almost insecure.
I do wish it were more thick in certain areas.  I think people really do love and enjoy a truly great beard.
Keywords: full_beard

Nikolas Sanow

Bearded since: around 2002 or 2003. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I'm practically certain that my beard was initially grown out of sheer laziness and poor hygiene due to my punk rock upbringing and desire to upset those who accepted social norms. Later on after I realized I had a beard, I kept it around because I remember back when I felt jealousy toward my friends Gordon and Mick for being able to grow very thick and glorious beards when I could grow none.

I wish my beard were thicker and that it grew in places that it doesn't. I have seen some mighty and glorious beards, beards that put my beard to shame, beards that inspire me towards greatness. I feel that maybe through sheer will and want, I can motivate my beard into the place of greatness I feel it truly should be at.

Aside from this, when I have a beard I feel normal. I hardly even realize I have a beard, it is a part of me, one and the same. When I make the foolish mistake of cutting it down, I feel an immediate lack of power and prestige, almost insecure.

I do wish it were more thick in certain areas. I think people really do love and enjoy a truly great beard.

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