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Delton R.
Bearded since: 2010.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I've chosen to grow a beard to prove commitment to self. I figure if you can make a promise to yourself and keep your word, that you prove loyalty to yourself and open a huge door of self learning in the process.

How do I feel about my beard? Well, I've grown it out several times, but not very long. Usually only grow about an inch or two before I cut for new jobs, etc. I've recently made a solid commitment to growing with a goal of six inches. Made a deal with my father that neither of us shall shave until I get to visit them again, sort of motivation I guess, as he and I have never had full beards, let alone together.
Keywords: goatee_only

Delton R.

Bearded since: 2010. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I've chosen to grow a beard to prove commitment to self. I figure if you can make a promise to yourself and keep your word, that you prove loyalty to yourself and open a huge door of self learning in the process.

How do I feel about my beard? Well, I've grown it out several times, but not very long. Usually only grow about an inch or two before I cut for new jobs, etc. I've recently made a solid commitment to growing with a goal of six inches. Made a deal with my father that neither of us shall shave until I get to visit them again, sort of motivation I guess, as he and I have never had full beards, let alone together.

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