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John N.
Bearded since: age seventeen (six weeks so far).  I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard because I just wanted to try it out...  I just turned seventeen.  So it's not anywhere near as good as these guys but I just wanted some input to see if you guys here at the site think that my beard has potential if I keep on shaving. [Shaving won't have any effect on how your beard develops.  Just keep growing it over time and see how it matures.  -- Ed.]

How do I feel about my beard? I feel like it's thick on the sides but needs to be thicker overall.
Keywords: mutton_chops

John N.

Bearded since: age seventeen (six weeks so far). I am an experimental beard grower.

I grew my beard because I just wanted to try it out... I just turned seventeen. So it's not anywhere near as good as these guys but I just wanted some input to see if you guys here at the site think that my beard has potential if I keep on shaving. [Shaving won't have any effect on how your beard develops. Just keep growing it over time and see how it matures. -- Ed.]

How do I feel about my beard? I feel like it's thick on the sides but needs to be thicker overall.

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