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Ronnie K.
Bearded since: 1995.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I've always been lazy about shaving, even in middle school when it first started to sprout. I've been sporting a full beard now for a couple of years and my wife loves it. It's become a trademark that people identify me with now. I keep it clean and combed and I have something to be proud of. A lot of young men ask me about what it took to grow it and I just say "patience".

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard. I like the feel of it on my face when the wind blows it. It's a feeling only someone with a long beard would know. I survived all those unpleasant phases of the beard and got rewarded for my patience.
Keywords: full_beard

Ronnie K.

Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I've always been lazy about shaving, even in middle school when it first started to sprout. I've been sporting a full beard now for a couple of years and my wife loves it. It's become a trademark that people identify me with now. I keep it clean and combed and I have something to be proud of. A lot of young men ask me about what it took to grow it and I just say "patience".

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard. I like the feel of it on my face when the wind blows it. It's a feeling only someone with a long beard would know. I survived all those unpleasant phases of the beard and got rewarded for my patience.

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