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Bearded since: 2010.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I decided to grow a big and full beard after exiting a ten-year relationship. I always have facial hair, but it was mostly goatees (sometimes weird styles) and relatively short. It feels great to grow the full beard and getting it longer.

How do I feel about my beard? I am one of those guys whose mustache technically grows separately from the cheeks. I have to rely on "blending it in". I tolerate my style, but Salvatore (featured on this site) is what I wish I was like.
Keywords: goatee_mustache


Bearded since: 2010. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I decided to grow a big and full beard after exiting a ten-year relationship. I always have facial hair, but it was mostly goatees (sometimes weird styles) and relatively short. It feels great to grow the full beard and getting it longer.

How do I feel about my beard? I am one of those guys whose mustache technically grows separately from the cheeks. I have to rely on "blending it in". I tolerate my style, but Salvatore (featured on this site) is what I wish I was like.

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