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Christoffer C.
Bearded since: 2003.  I am an experimental beard grower.

I've always wanted a full grown beard because it makes me feel more manly.  It also helps define me as a person. Bearded people stick it out from the crowd and I'm always happy to give a smile to another bearded fellow on the street!

On these uploaded pictures I have trimmed a little around the rough edges for a more styled full beard.  I'm not entirely sure I should have done that or stuck with an untouched beard for longer before interfering.

How do I feel about my beard? I'm mostly satisfied because of the thickness.  But there are some areas where growth could be better, such as the area under the lower lip.
Keywords: full_beard

Christoffer C.

Bearded since: 2003. I am an experimental beard grower.

I've always wanted a full grown beard because it makes me feel more manly. It also helps define me as a person. Bearded people stick it out from the crowd and I'm always happy to give a smile to another bearded fellow on the street!

On these uploaded pictures I have trimmed a little around the rough edges for a more styled full beard. I'm not entirely sure I should have done that or stuck with an untouched beard for longer before interfering.

How do I feel about my beard? I'm mostly satisfied because of the thickness. But there are some areas where growth could be better, such as the area under the lower lip.

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