All about beards is proud to welcome Per to the featured beards section. Per is a prolific beard grower and a master of the mustache. His beard is excellent and his mustache is often amazing. A seasoned, veteran beard grower, Per is quite dedicated to the beard. He grows a great beard and enjoys it, which is a great way to be. Per’s beard has been known to inspire others to grow their beards. Let’s hope that he will now inspire many more new beards everywhere.
Scroll down to read Per’s beard story and be sure to see Per’s beard photo gallery below. The photos on this page and in Per’s photo gallery are courtesy of Per and are used with permission. All photos are subject to the site’s conditions of use.
What do you think about beards?
I have been fascinated by beards since I was little. As long as I can remember, I have looked at nice beards and wanted my own beard.
What do you think about your own beard?
To be very honest, I’m quite satisfied with my beard as it is today. One can always want a little different style, structure, or shape. But all in all I’m happy with the beard I have.
When you were a boy, did you ever think about growing a beard in the future when you would become a man?
I started to look at beards from early school years. I was so anxious that I might not be able to grow my own beard. But that was for no reason. Had a mustache from age seventeen, but had to gather some courage to grow a full beard.
Did anyone in your family have a beard before you?
The ability is in the family. But the closest is my brother’s mustache. It was big and nice from late teens. He was my role model, but he was not going for the full beard.
When did you grow your first beard?
My first full beard was when I was twenty-five, after gathering courage and I’d had stubble for many years.
What led you to grow your first beard?
I wanted to have a beard since I was a kid, just had to find the right time and be sure it would be full and mature.

Why do you grow your beard now?
Now the beard has become a part of my personality. If I cut it short I feel that I lose a part of me. Have tried clean shaven some years ago. Felt naked.
Would you say that you are a dedicated, permanent beard grower?
I’m definitely a permanent and very dedicated beard grower!
Are your current beard and mustache the biggest you’ve ever grown?
I have had length like this for the four last years. Earlier I had stubble or up to 3 cm. Should have started growing a long beard much earlier. It’s so much more fun!
Do you plan to keep growing your beard and mustache larger?
I always plan for longer. But from time to time I need a trim and then I start saving time again. There is a lot of maintenance with a long beard. So after a trim I spend less time in the bathroom.
Do people ever criticize your beard or tell you to trim it or shave it off?
From time to time my wife has some suggestions for trimming. But it happens less and less. She gets used to a long-bearded man.
Do you know if your beard has inspired other men to grow their beards?
Yes, at least I have gotten feedback that younger colleagues have been inspired to grow. That’s nice!
Do you encourage others to grow their beards?
I often tell people that they have a nice beard and should grow it out. Hope some will do so.
Why did you choose to grow the classic full beard?
I think the beard chose me. I just had to follow.
Do you shape and trim your beard yourself?
When I trimmed it myself it always resulted in too short a beard. So now I only use a professional barber shop.
What is your beard care routine?
I use beard soap in the shower, then oil and blow dryer and use a round brush afterwards. Need to straighten out some waves after shower to get the shape I like.
What do you like best about your beard?
I’m very satisfied with the color. And the thickness is good. All in all I am quite satisfied.
Do you have any complaints about your beard?
Wish I did not have to straighten the waves after a shower. But that is a minor problem and is possible to handle.
What is your opinion of
I think is a very good inspiration for beard growers like me.
What do you think about being featured on
I’m very pleased if I can be an inspiration for other men wanting to grow a beard, big or small. And I am pleased to show that beards are even more fun when getting older and silver bearded.
Per’s beard photo gallery
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The beard and mustache look great. I am working on my beard /mustache but grey hair makes everything look like I have less of a beard/mustache. Can you suggest a good beard oil and wax that would give my beard/mustache more dark tones?
Thanks, Joseph. Beard oil isn’t really used for coloring. You can find mustache wax that adds color. However, that’s probably not practical for coloring an entire beard. You may want to consider beard coloring solutions. In addition to the chemical-based products widely available in retail stores, there are also more natural alternatives available as well. You can find them on places such as Amazon. Good luck to you.
Thanks for getting back to me regarding the oil I use for my beard and the wax I use on my mustache. I get most of my supplies from amazon but noticed the popularity of our beards has caused my local Walmart to carry a larger variety of oils and wax.
I need a decent pair of scissors, can you suggest a good pair of shears.
Thanks for your thoughts.
You are welcome, Joseph. About shears, be sure to look for a pair that are intended for cutting hair. Any good barber or beauty supply shop ought to be able to help you out in selecting a good pair.
Thank you Steven
I have about her question about beard balm and mustache wax. When I apply beard balm or oil I always get some in my mustache,will the oil or balm effect the wax I use on my mustache.
Thanks again for any help
Hi, Joseph. The mustache wax will likely work best if you don’t mix it with other substances. Just take care in the application of the oil or balm to minimize the potential for mixing when you apply the wax.
Ok, thanks my beard and mustache are worth the trouble.
Thanks for your advice .
You are welcome, Joseph. I wish you all the best with your well-groomed beard and mustache.