Davide is the first to send in a beard success story from Italy. The photos accompanying his beard success story are courtesy of Davide and are used with permission. All photos are subject to the site’s conditions of use.
How did you find the web site “all about beards”?
I found the web site on beards in 2000. I have always loved the beard a lot and seeing those with beards. Using Google, I found the site with the beautiful photographic gallery with so many persons with the beard. From that day on, every month I went to see what was new on the web site. For me, after many years of web surfing, this site is the best one on the net.
How did the “all about beards” site influence your decision to grow a beard?
The site has influenced me a lot. It has given me pride in wearing the beard. It has stimulated me with beards of every shape and size. Today, with more great beards on the site, it has inspired me to grow my beard again.
Was the site’s information on growing a beard helpful to you?
I have found the information on the web site, but I have found more information elsewhere on the net, both cosmetic and scientific information.
Was the site’s information on beard grooming useful?
Above all, the information found on the site has been useful to me for the aesthetics of the beard.
Once you started growing your beard, did you ever have thoughts of giving up the effort? Did the site help you to keep growing?
It is always very good for me to grow a beard. It stimulates me visually and mentally. It also excites me physically to see myself with a beard and to caress my beard. This web site has given me
much motivation to always maintain a dense beard.
You’ve grown a full beard. How did you select this style?
I usually do not choose the style of the beard. Instead, I usually see how it grows and I try to adapt the beard to my style or the way that I feel at the time. Or I may adapt myself, my way of dress and way of life to the the shape that the beard creates on its own.
How do you like being a full-bearded man?
I love being a full-bearded man. It appeals to me to see the various reactions from people who see me along with the various attitudes among those on the job and in my family life. But I must also say that with the beard I have improved my sexual relationships, which are much more sensual with the beard.
Did you enjoy the beard-growing process?
The growing of the beard is something beautiful to see. It does not cause any annoyance, but rather it even helps me to care for myself as a person. In fact, when the beard appears ugly to me, I know that I must change something in my life. When the beard becomes beautiful, it is because I am happy.
How have other people reacted to your beard? How do you feel about their reactions?
In truth, the reactions were stronger when I first grew a beard at age sixteen. In fact, I have had the beard pretty much ever since that age. When I was that young with a beard, everyone wanted to force me to shave it off. For me to have the beard upset them with their preconceived ideas. But I did not conform to the preconceived ideas. Now they are accustomed to seeing me with the beard and even express disdain when I may shave it on occasion. Perhaps I am just Davide, the one with the beard that I love so much. The beard does not hide who I am, but rather it is an extension of my true spirit!
Photos of David’s beard over the years through 2004