It’s amazing to see the patterns and textures of a beard when taking a detailed look. These are two detailed view’s of Paulie’s beard.
happy two million!
At 1:59 PM PDT today, the photo gallery hit two million views! Counting began on the 26th of January of 2006 when most of the site’s standalone photo galleries were converted to the current system (Coppermine Photo Gallery). The true number of views is actually higher than what appears on the counter at any time because a hard drive failure on the server a while back forced a recovery from an older version of the database. That rolled the count back by several day’s worth of views. The count also does not reflect the total number of image views on the site since January 26, 2006 because some of the site’s galleries are still standalone — including the popular “original truly outstanding beard gallery” — and image views in those galleries are not included in the count. Nevertheless, the 2,000,000 views milestone is worth some celebrating!
Who was lucky number two million? Patrick of the District of Columbia in the USA:
Click on the photo above to view the full-sized image in the gallery. Congratulations, Patrick! And in a self-congratulatory mood, congratulations to “all about beards” at!
looking for site updates?
Let’s just say that June has presented some challenges. Site updates would be a good idea. They’re coming. Stay tuned!
one more
Okay, okay. Here is one more sneak-preview photo of Rich and his amazing beard. Be sure to watch for him to appear soon in the featured beards section.
also coming soon!
All About BEARDS is also proud to present Rich and his most amazing beard! These sneak-preview photos were shot today. Look for Rich soon in the featured beards section.

coming soon!
great day for beard photography
Yesterday, Salvatore kindly posed for another set of original photographs for all about beards. This is part of all about beards’ ongoing effort to produce more and more original, high-quality beard photography. Look for Salvatore’s photos in a site update coming soon.
advising Andy
Andy has grown a lot of beard and is wondering now what to do with it.
Andy’s grown his beard fairly long, as seen in the first two views. Then he trimmed it down to the length seen in the third view. He’s thinking about changing up his beard style some more and is looking for some suggestions. If you think you know what beard style would be best for Andy, please comment. (Comments are held in moderation to keep out the automated spam comments. I’ll approve your real comments as soon as I see them. Your patience is appreciated!)
great beards are for everyone!
Great beards are for everyone! It’s true. While it’s also true that not everyone can grow a great beard, everyone can enjoy the sight of a great beard. A great beard rarely fails to command attention and impress. What’s more is that great beards serve as great inspiration to others to grow their beards, too. For those with less abundant beard growth, great beards frequently still inspire them to grow what they can and to make the most of their facial hair potential. If you’ve grown a great beard, congratulations and thanks! If you can grow a great beard but haven’t, start growing now! Others will benefit from the inspiration of your example.
your vote is needed
I’ve just been alerted to a beard contest in which you are invited to vote for the best beard. So go right now to (defunct link removed) and do your duty: vote for the best beard! The contest benefits a charity, too. So get over there and vote now!