Vote for Phill’s face!

Phill has written in to tell of his outstanding beard’s upcoming disappearance.  But before it disappears, he’s taking votes on what to do with the beard.  The voting goes to support a charity that Phill has selected.  You may vote through September 30th, 2010.   See below for all the information.

After it’s all done, though, I think Phill should grow that full beard back again!


Here is Phill’s message:

I hail from London, England and, as happens to many of us, I’ve decided that it’s time for the beard to go, but not before one last hurrah!

In a nutshell, I’m shaving off more than a year’s worth of hair and four month’s of beard for charity, a homeless charity, Centrepoint – partly on the basis that I look like a homeless person, if I’m honest…

But there’s a twist.

I have to go through an intermediate stage that will look ridiculous/spectacular – and I don’t get to choose what that is, Joe Public does.

I’ve had a website/blog up and running for a couple of weeks now

And I’ve invited almost everyone I know and everyone they know to submit ideas for how to shape/shave my beard and hair – anything goes (that I’m actually capable of.)

More than 80 ideas from nearly 1,000 people have been shortlisted to five and these are now online for people to vote and donate as of today.  The one that gets the most donations is the one I have to sport for a week, at work from October 1st.

So, whatever they vote for, I have to go through with… and every vote is by way of a donation.

It would be great if you wanted to share this with your readers, Facebook, Twitter – anything to get some expert opinion involved.

This is what it’s all about:

And this is the Final Five:

I hope you enjoy it and would love it if you could share it!



P.S.  This isn’t a corporate thing in any way.  I’m doing this all of my own back,  so there are no endorsements or anything except me having chosen a designated charity.

Andy! Now that’s a BEARD!

Andy kindly participated in an official photo shoot on September 23rd, 2010.  Unlike any other photo shoot to date, Andy’s photo also shoot included a trip to the barber shop for a haircut and beard trim.   Here are some preview shots from the first part of the photo shoot.

Off to a great start: first photo from the shoot.
Beards allowed!
Andy! Now that’s a BEARD!

Stay tuned for lots more of Andy!

thirteen million!


We’ve done it again!  We’ve got another million views on the gallery counter!  The thirteen-million milestone was reached sometime on the morning of July 4th, 2010.

We hit our previous milestone of twelve million gallery views back on March 31st, 2010.  Remember, however, that the gallery counter started at zero on January 26, 2006.  So we have had thirteen million views of photos in the gallery since January 26, 2006.

The number is a fun milestone to track, although the actual number of views is even larger.  Sadly, when some images leave the gallery, their view counts get subtracted.  That can whack off thousands from the counter at a time.  Also, when Salvatore’s beard videos were hosted in the main gallery, the overall view count was boosted substantially.  When I pulled the videos from the gallery (because they were using up all of the site’s monthly data transfer allowance), the overall count shrank some more, as well.  If all of the subtractions were added back, the true number would be quite a bit higher.

Regardless, each additional million makes for a good occasion to stop and reflect for a moment and express thanks to all of’s loyal fans, friends, and visitors.  It’s also a great time to thank and salute each and every bearded man who has joined the gallery.

I wasn’t at the computer when the counter hit thirteen million.  So this post is illustrated with a previously-unpublished photo of  Christopher.

Happy Birthday, USA!  And best wishes to all friends of around the world!

you have to WANT the beard


All too often I hear of guys who start growing a beard, get well on their way, and then suddenly get cold feet and shave it off in a moment of insecurity.  Many report that they’ve gone through this routine multiple times.  Why?

To avoid this unfortunate fate for the budding new beard, simply commit to sticking with the beard-growing process.  Set a target date that gives your new beard growth a decent chance to grow in and for you to become accustomed to it.  And make a commitment not to shave it under any circumstance (barring some extreme unexpected situation) before that date.

You have to WANT the beard.  You have to want it enough to commit to growing it properly.  Otherwise, you may be vulnerable to a temporary loss of confidence, then chicken out and shave it off.  Don’t let it happen again!

hockey fans: grow one for the team!


There’s still time to grow a beard to support charities during the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.   Click on the image above to see the official television spot on YouTube.  Here’s the press release:


Goal to Raise One Million Dollars for Charity

This season, hockey fans across the United States will be sporting their very own playoffs beards. In addition to participating in a great hockey tradition, they will also be raising money for charities across the county.

The Beard-a-thon® program was launched last year when nine NHL clubs raised a combined $350,000 for charity. This season, the goal is to raise $1 million dollars with twelve NHL clubs participating.

Participants in the Beard-a-thon invite family, friends, and business associates to pledge their playoff beards. By receiving pledges, participants promise not to shave until their team wins the Stanley Cup or is eliminated from the playoffs. Fans who are unwilling, or unable, to grow playoffs beards, can also pledge their favorite player, other local celebrities, or build their own beard with the “Build-a-Beard” web application.

Last season, over 8,000 fans nationwide participated in the Beard-a-thon with former NHL player, and current Director of Development for the Boston Bruins Foundation, Bob Sweeney leading all beard growers by raising over $21,000 for charity. Other celebrity beard growers last season included NHL Hall of Famer Mario Lemieux and the lead singer of the Dropkick Murphys, Ken Casey.

“The intensity, both on and off the ice, goes to a whole new level in the playoffs. The Beard-a-thon gives fans a chance show their passion and raise money for charity,” stated John Cimperman, the Principal of Cenergy, a New York based sports marketing agency that manages the program. Cimperman added, “Last season, the Penguins led all teams in fundraising and also hoisted the Stanley Cup. Coincidence, we think not. It is the power of the beard.”

This season’s participating clubs are the Buffalo Sabres, Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Colorado Avalanche, Detroit Redwings, Los Angeles Kings, New Jersey Devils, Phoenix Coyotes, Philadelphia Flyers, San Jose Sharks, Washington Capitals, and defending Stanley Cup and Beard-a-thon Champion, Pittsburgh Penguins. A ‘just fans’ site was also created for fans without a team in the playoffs. Proceeds from this site will benefit Hockey Fights Cancer™, a joint initiative by the National Hockey League and the National Hockey League Players’ Association.

For more information on the Beard-a-thon, log onto [Link currently out of service]. All donations to Beard-a-thon are tax deductible.

About the Playoff Beard

A playoff beard is the superstitious practice of a National Hockey League player not shaving his beard during the Stanley Cup playoffs. The player stops shaving when his team enters the playoffs and does not shave until his team is eliminated or wins the Stanley Cup. It is believed that the four-time Stanley Cup Champion New York Islanders started the tradition in the 1980s. In recent years, other sports and other players have claimed the playoff beard tradition, but it is, and always will be, a hockey tradition.

twelve million!


The number of views of photos in the beard gallery hit twelve million sometime just before noon Pacific Daylight Time on March 31st, 2010!  We hit eleven million views less than three months earlier on January 6, 2010.  The counter started at zero on January 26, 2006.  So the twelve million number represents only the number of views since January 26, 2006.  Thanks to all of our loyal fans, friends, and visitors, the site continues to grow.  We are experiencing some growing pains, but they are welcome.  They are a sign of great things yet to come.

I wasn’t at the computer when the counter rolled over to twelve million.  So this post is illustrated with a previously-unpublished photo of Tomas.