don’t fear the beard when it is your own

Steven, bearded adventurer

Many of the beard-growing mistakes that I see again and again may often be blamed on some extent to fear, anxiety, and a lack of confidence.  Don’t fear the full beard when it’s yours.  If you’re going to grow a full beard, go all in.  Otherwise, why bother?  You’re growing a full beard, for crying out loud.  Show the world that you aren’t afraid to do it right.

For so many men, growing a beard is such a huge stretch out of their comfort zones that they are afraid to embrace the experience fully.  They timidly grow out a full beard — and deserve commendation for that — but then stunt its growth or mutilate its shape out of some sort of fear that they’re going too far.  For some, letting the beard grow in fully will surely make them look just like ZZ Top or Rip Van Winkle.  We surely can’t have that now, can we?  Except, of course, letting a beard grow out a little beyond the stubble stage is hardly the equivalent of a ZZ Top beard.

Some of the most common beard-growing mistakes for a full beard are:

These errors do not plague new beard growers exclusively.  Plenty of veteran beard growers commit these mistakes all the time, too.  Let’s take a look at each one.

Cheek line

What’s the fear?  “If I don’t keep this cheek line down way low, I’ll look just like a wolf man.”

What’s the result? All too often, the result is a butchered beard that looks stifled and unnatural.

What to do?  Look at it this way.  Give your natural cheek line a fair chance.  And don’t be afraid to do so.  Some fear that their natural cheek line reaches all the way up to their eyes.  Usually, this is an exaggerated perception.  If your natural cheek line really is too high and you really do look exactly like a wolf man, then go ahead and lower the cheek line.  But don’t go too far.  If your natural cheek line is not truly that of a wolf man, but is a bit ragged and you’d prefer a neater line, go ahead and define a straighter cheek line.  Just take off what’s needed to define a neater line.  Don’t go too far!

Neck line

What’s the fear? “I’d better define the neck line way up high, otherwise this beard would be too big.  Besides, I’ve seen plenty of other guys with neck lines up high and they must know what they are doing.”

What’s the result?  A neck line that’s too high makes a full beard look truncated, unnatural, unflattering, and even “clown-like”.

What to do?  Think about this.  The idea of growing a full beard is to grow the full beard.  Why should the underside of the chin be clean shaven?  Some even have defined the neck line to be above the jaw.  That’s not a full beard.  It’s a full beard with the bottom part missing.  Don’t do this!  Instead, follow the guidelines for designing a neck line for your full beard.

Not permitted to fully grow

What’s the fear? “My beard is already an eighth of an inch (3.175 mm) long.  People will think that I’m ZZ Top!  This has gone too far.  I’d better trim it down.”

What’s the result?  Fear of letting your beard fully grow out results in essentially a stubble beard, or  maybe just slightly beyond the stubble stage.  That is pretty much just an extended unshaven look.  To see what your beard really looks like, let it keep growing.  If you look with an objective eye, rather than having a knee-jerk reaction based on lack of confidence, you can tell when it’s approaching the length limit for what you consider to be acceptable for your situation.  Even then, you might be safe in going longer.  The point is that too many are growing about an eighth of an inch (3.175 mm) and thinking that they’ve grown a real beard.  Well, keep growing and you’ll eventually see what a real beard can be.

What if I really want a low cheek line, high neck line, stubble beard?

If that’s what you really want, go for it.  Just make sure that it is what you really want and it’s not your fears calling the shots.

I am afraid that a fully-grown real beard with proper cheek and neck lines is too extreme and would not look professional.

A properly cultivated and well-groomed beard can always give a professional look. It can even enhance one’s professional appearance.  Just do it right.  Be prepared for uninformed comments.  That is, be prepared to brush them aside.  People feel compelled to comment and usually just say something without thinking.  Don’t worry about that.  Keep growing.  Grow a proper full beard.  Don’t give into your fears and grow a butchered, stunted beard.  Which one looks better and more professional?  You decide.

Steven, bearded adventurer
Steven, bearded adventurer
Steven, bearded adventurer
Steven, bearded adventurer
Steven, bearded adventurer

the family beard business


Dad grows a world-class beard and provides inspiration.  Mom carefully handcrafts beards for all.  The kids embark on early careers as cutting-edge beard fashion models.  What’s not to love?

The story of this ultra-cool family will be appearing soon on  Meanwhile, for those of  you who want a beard and can’t grow one: buy one! …or more!  Click on either photo to go to “The Monkey Cannon’s” online store and shop away!


— Photos are courtesy of “The Monkey Cannon” and are used with permission.

All About BEARDS’ fifteenth anniversary

all about beards' 15th anniversary

On January 17th, 1996, all about beards made its humble debut on the worldwide web.  The little web site had embarked on its mission of promoting beards around the globe.  Today, all about beards is growing stronger all the time and remains the world’s longest-running beard web site.  On all about beards’ fifteenth anniversary, I’d like to thank all of the site’s friends, contributors, supporters, cheerleaders, and of course, beard growers for making all about beards such a success.  Keep growing.

fifteen million! hits fifteen million gallery views!

We are starting off the new year with a great milestone.  The gallery views counter just hit fifteen million!  The ceremonial fifteenth millionth photo was that of Josef of Germany.  The counter rolled over to fifteen million at 9:28 PM Pacific Standard Time on January 2nd, 2011.  We hit fourteen million back on October 11th, 2010.

Josef was one of the first to show off his beard in our beards of the world gallery.  If you haven’t already, please join him in the gallery by submitting your entry today!  To view Josef’s photo, click on the image above.

Thanks for your interest in “all about beards”!’s second grow-a-beard commercial

The second video in this series is now up on YouTube.  This one features footage of Christopher, shot during his latest photo shoot.  Scott still serves as an official spokesperson for in this video.  Check it out:

Watch in full 1080p HD on YouTube.

Brian, too!

Brian’s back with a new look for his second official photo shoot!  Here are some preview images from his photo shoot that took place today, October 15, 2010.  Watch for an update to Brian’s beard feature soon!

Brian, too!
Brian, too!
Brian, too!
Brian, too!

fourteen million!


Hey!  Once more, we’ve got another million views on the gallery counter!  I wasn’t at the computer at the time to witness the turnover to 14,000,000 views, so I don’t know which image was the fourteen millionth.  So to illustrate this post, I’ve included another shot of Brian that appeared in his latest album update.

Thanks again to all of the friends and visitors to for your interest in the bearded cause.  Keep growing!