twenty million in May

twenty million gallery views in May 2012

The views counter on the galleries hit twenty million on May 16th.  Before I wrote it up, a database table crash ended up knocking the counter way back down quite a bit.  So we hit twenty million again on May 28th.  This illustrates that the true number remains unknown, but we do know that it’s higher than what the counter shows.  Thanks to all for your interest in all about beards.

the first “beard on the street”

Ruben Milano

Quite some time before “all about beards” was created, I had already taken my first “beard on the street” photo.  During a visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, I noticed a man with a totally impressive full beard working at a newsstand kiosk.  I knew that this mighty beard really ought to be photographed.  The problem was that I had never just walked up to anyone on the street and asked to take their photo before.  Given that I would not be in Argentina much longer, it was a “do or die” situation.  So I summoned my courage and asked if I could take his photo.  He immediately responded affirmatively and I took the shot.  We chatted for a while afterward.  I believe his name was Ruben Milano.  I’m more certain about his last name than his first.  In any case, thank you very much, Mr. Milano, and congratulations on your outstanding beard!

In recent days while searching for another photo, I ran across a print of the photo of Mr. Milano.  I immediately realized that it was high time for him to take his place of honor in the “beards on the street” album as the official very first “beard on the street”.  Click on the photo above for the larger version.

John: rockin’ the powerful classic full beard


John kindly participated in a second photo shoot Friday night: live in concert — another first for!  The first photo was before the show.  The rest of the preview shots in this post are from the concert…an awesome show it was!


Stay tuned to for lots more!

John: powerful classic full beard


John’s definitely got the genuine classic full beard turned up to full power.  He was kind enough to participate in a photo shoot yesterday for some serious beard photography.  The photo shoot also included a special guest appearance by Mike and his mighty beard.  Preview shots of the resulting combined bearded glory are here.

Stay tuned for a lot more of John on   Here are some preview shots from John’s photo shoot.


Jared grows!


Once again, Jared kindly participated in another beard photo shoot for  This time, he’s got three more month’s worth of beard growth.  These are some preview shots from today’s photo shoot with Jared.  Watch for some new video of Jared from today, too, in another update soon.

all about beards’ sixteenth anniversary

all about beards' sixteenth anniversary

Keep growing.  Today marks the sixteenth anniversary of all about beards, the longest-running beard site on the web.  If all about beards has encouraged you to grow your beard, helped you to improve your beard, improved your view of beards, or had any other positive impact on you, please share by leaving a comment here or sending an email.  Thank you to all of the site’s friends for your support over the years.

nineteen million

nineteen million gallery views

The happiness for the new beard year did not even last one week for me.  My little sister was taken from us unexpectedly — suddenly and without warning.  The loss has been too difficult to bear.  Understandably, updates to ground to a halt.  Normally, I would see when the gallery views counter hits another million.  This time, I did not.  I figure, however, that it was most likely on January 9th.

Right now, I cannot feel any optimism for 2012.  But I have to carry on.  The sixteenth anniversary of “all about beards” is only days away now.  In my sister’s honor, somehow, I will do everything I can to make it the best year yet for and to surpass that each year that follows.