Bearded at night: Chris

Chris recently raised his beard’s cheek line that had been fairly low.  The new beard growth for the higher cheek line is now perfectly even with the previously-existing beard growth.  So Chris is now ready to let it all grow out together.  His beard is very powerful.  So, watch out!

Last night, Chris braved cold temperatures, wind, rain, and the dark of night to get some new photos of his beard’s progress.  Above are some sample shots.  Click on an image above to view a larger version.

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year

Beard update: Chris

Chris: beard thick and strong

Happy New Beard Year 2016!

Chris is growing his beard!
Chris is growing his beard. You should grow yours.

All About BEARDS | wishes all beard growers and beard fans a very happy new beard year 2016!  May our beards grow in strength and numbers all around the world.

If you’re capable of growing a beard and have not done it, the beginning of a new year is a great time to start growing a new beard.  Why not visit guide to growing a beard and start growing your beard today?

And don’t forget to encourage other men to grow their beards.  If you know any men who have not grown their beards, but should, please encourage them to grow, too!

Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard

Chris has some of the strongest beard growth you’ll ever see.  His beard has exceptional density, thickness, and coverage.  At the moment he is transitioning his beard from a low cheek line to a much higher cheek line.  To help blend the established growth with the new, he recently trimmed back his overall beard.  Soon, both growth phases will blend seamlessly into one solid, powerful beard.  Chris kindly agreed to participate in a photo shoot today.  Below are some sample images from today’s photo shoot.  Thanks, Chris!

Click on any of the images below to see a larger version.

See more of Chris

View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:

Bearded at night: Chris

Maybe a great beard is just what you need this year

Beard update: Chris

Chris: beard thick and strong

No-shave November 2015: Welcome, new beard growers!

Welcome, new beard growers!
Welcome, new beard growers!

No-shave November is a perfect opportunity to make the transition from a shaved face to a bearded one.  And at the end of November, why throw away all your new growth?  Why not stay with the beard and let it continue to flourish and grow into a permanent beard you can wear with pride?

So don’t wait!  Don’t shave!  The best place to get your new beard started is with our guide to growing a beard.  Follow the guidance there to achieve your best beard success.  You’ll be glad you did!

all about beards: site renovations

We are all about beards.

Today all about beards launched phase one of our site renovation at !  Please excuse any inconvenience should you find something not working during this transition.  Everything is pretty much working now, but small issues may still be found here and there until all are identified and eliminated.  More changes and improvements are on the way.

Our nineteenth anniversary

All about beards' nineteenth anniversary
On January 17, 1996 a modest web site named all about beards made its debut on the web. Starting out on AOL web space — the now defunct “” — the site moved to its permanent home at on January 20, 2005. Profound thanks go out to all of our friends and supporters over these years!

Twenty-five million plus 18 plus 60,000!

Twenty-five million beard gallery views
We hit 25 million on the gallery counter at 01:43 AM PST (Pacific Standard Time) on January 18, 2014! This counter began when the beards of the world gallery was first moved into the current gallery system on January 26, 2006. The real count is unknown but higher because of deletions and other roll-backs over the years. Still, it’s worth taking note each time we’ve displayed another million beard photos via the gallery.

We just celebrated eighteen years of all about beards the day before, on January 17, 2014. And just before 10:00 PM PST on January 16, 2014 we reached 60,000 likes on our Facebook page! Let’s keep growing!

25 million screen shot

Oh, and whose photo was the 25 millionth? It was Jess!