Doug: today’s beard, 2017/01/02

Name: Doug.
Occupation: Glass Factory Worker.

About Doug’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? I started growing it for the Warrior Dash mud races. They have a best warrior beard contest. I wanted to be the best bearded warrior.

What do I think about my beard? I think it’s little but mighty.

How do I feel about my beard? I like it.

How long have I been bearded? I’ve been bearded for the last 2.5 years.

How do I like being bearded? I love it. Love being apart of the bearding community.

Doug’s mighty beard dominates! Doug’s beard is really an overwhelmingly impressive sight.

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Doug’s beard gallery.

Ben: today’s beard, 2017/01/01

We are starting the 2017 New Year off right with an update from Ben, who was featured in the inaugural Today’s Beard post back on November 30th. Congratulations to Ben on reaching five months of beard growth! Happy Beard Growing and best wishes to all for 2017!

Name: Ben.
Occupation: High Voltage Electrician.

About Ben’s beard:

How do I feel about my beard? I am very pleased with how fast my beard is growing. I don’t think I’ve ever grown it this long before.

How long have I been bearded? Five months long on my quest for the Yeard!

How do I like being bearded? I love my beard and the compliments I get from complete strangers!

We proudly salute Ben’s excellent beard and cheer him ever onward toward his beard-growing goals!

Ben’s beard gallery below includes his photos at both five months and four months. The new photos are the first five in the gallery. Click on any image below to view a larger version in Ben’s beard gallery.

Natale: today’s beard, 2016/12/31

Name: Natale.
Occupation: Computer Technician.

About Natale’s beard:

I am Natale from Italy.

Why did I grow my beard? I grew my beard to give it a try!

How do I feel about my beard?

  • 100% Italian beard style.
  • It stays without thoughts.
  • The man who can do without anything, not afraid of anything!
  • Happy New Year!!! Italian beard style!

Natale’s great full beard is definitely Italian!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Natale’s beard gallery.

Brock: today’s beard, 2016/12/30

Name: Brock.
Occupation: Welder.

About Brock’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? To raise money for men’s prostate cancer.

What do I think about my beard?

  • It’s my partner in crime.
  • Has special cushioning features.
  • Protects me from females.
  • Flaps majestically in the wind.

How do I feel about my beard?

  • Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
  • It’s well maintained.
  • Soft.
  • Sometimes gets in the way of food.

How long have I been bearded? One year.

How do I like being bearded? Has its pros and cons. My lumberjack qualities and navigation have improved dramatically.

Brock has grown an amazing beard to assist with a great cause: fighting men’s prostate cancer. His big full beard also is a powerful show of support for the bearded cause!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Brock’s beard gallery.

Jarrod: today’s beard, 2016/12/29

Name: Jarrod.
Occupation: Process Improvement.

About Jarrod’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Initially as a challenge with a couple of military veteran friends. Then, I shaved and most people that knew me stated that my beard was my brand; I think they were right.

What do I think about my beard? I personally have grown very attached to it (ha ha). Seriously, it has given me an even more confident personality.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel it not only helps to identify me, but also discloses my inner strength.

How long have I been bearded? Well last year I submitted pictures to of my first long lasting beard. I made it a full yeard! However as stated above, I decided to shave…wrong move. This time I am at 6 months and will not be shaving!

How do I like being bearded? I enjoy it. It really is not hard to manage, just need to adjust to it. Like eating ice cream comes in private!

Jarrod has one of the classiest full beards you may ever see! He should be the “poster man” for promoting beards. 🙂

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Jarrod’s beard gallery.

Anshu: today’s beard, 2016/12/28

Name: Anshu.
Occupation: Lawyer.

About Anshu’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Because beard is awesome ?

What do I think about my beard? People think about beards. I just love my beard. ❤️

How do I feel about my beard? How I feel about my beard cannot be explained in words. I am speechless!!! But beard is beard and I am very proud to be a bearded man!!!

How long have I been bearded? Since it started growing on my face. ?

How do I like being bearded? Beard is my strength. Beard is my first and last love!!!

Anshu’s got a fierce devotion to his fine full beard!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Anshu’s beard gallery.

Valdas: today’s beard, 2016/12/27

Name: Valdas.
Occupation: Writer, Beard Culture Expert.

About Valdas’ beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Every time I find different explanation, different reasons and all of it is true. You grow your beard while growing your identity, character, or most of the time it comes to manhood or manliness. At least it’s my way.

You should never identify yourself only with your beard – it weakens your mindfulness, but strengthens your EGO. Thus you should always strive to excel – as a person. Being bearded man is a journey of patience .

So you wanna be a beardman?

  • If you are growing it to get laid with women – don’t do it.
  • If you need it just to be fashionable – don’t do it.
  • If you think it’s cool – you are not ready – don’t do it.
  • If your woman controls you – don’t grow the beard – it’s not for you.
  • If you think it makes you more manly – forget about the beard.

Your actions and values makes you manly. If you feel that the beard is in your DNA it might be so, but not everybody should be someone they think they want to be, but can’t imagine being. Beard is in your nature and if it’s not – DON’T DO IT (Paraphrasing Bukowski).

What do I think about my beard? I think It’s awesome. It’s been like an unbridled stallion for a long time – I had to understand my beard. I had to grow it while changing within me.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel all right, I feel that in previous life it was my desire. Thus in this life – I got a full beard. 😀

How long have I been bearded? Almost twelve years, since high school. Of course it was different back in those days.

How do I like being bearded? Come on guys, it’s like asking – how do you like your eyebrows? I like them all right. It gives me character, it gives me strength, it gives me a sense of community, and a bit authority over some situations. 😉

Valdas grows a might impressive beard! He has also done a lot of mighty impressive work to promote beards and beard culture in his native Lithuania. You can check out the Facebook page of the Lithuanian beard club that he started many years ago. You may also follow his Instagram which features both beard photography and some of his writing (hashtag: #beardystories): @condigo_ .

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Valdas’ beard gallery. Photos are courtesy of Rytis Šeškaitis Photography.

Aurindam: today’s beard, 2016/12/26

Name: Aurindam.
Occupation: Advertising Professional.

About Aurindam’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? I have been taking part in the No Shave November initiative since four years now. Every year, I have added thirty days to the challenge. This year, it’s the 150 day beard goal. As of today, it’s at 145!

What do I think about my beard? It defines me. It commands respect and above all, it’s for an amazing cause.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel great.

How long have I been bearded? 145 days straight up.

How do I like being bearded? Absolutely brilliant.

Aurindam’s grown an absolutely brilliant full beard! It will be interesting to see the beard when his goal is 360 days or more!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Aurindam’s gallery. The latest ones are first.

Bharadwaj: today’s beard, 2016/12/24

Name: Bharadwaj.
Occupation: Software Developer.

About Bharadwaj’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Bored of the look that I had and I realized that I can grow a full thick beard and so why not!!!. I didn’t go out there for advice for a style. All the beard that I’ve grown and styled is self-learned.

What do I think about my beard? It’s a duck style beard, and I think it really suits my face. On top of everything, I LOVE MY BEARD!!!!

How do I feel about my beard? I’m comfortable with it and, I love my beard.

How long have I been bearded? Eight to nine months. It took two to three months to grow it out. Then there was a month and a half where I tried different styles after which I settled on this one.

How do I like being bearded? I’ve kept a lot of effort into it and I like the way it became my identity.

Congratulations to Bharadwaj on his cool beard! Learning beard growing is a great thing!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Bharadwaj’s gallery.

Gerry: today’s beard, 2016/12/23

Name: Gerry.
Occupation: Mover.

About Gerry’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Just for the fun of it.

What do I think about my beard? Better than most.

How do I feel about my beard? Other than some of the maintenance, pretty good.

How long have I been bearded? Fifteen months.

Gerry’s beard is massive! Beard abundance!

UPDATE: 2018/01/14
Added three photos of Gerry’s beard at twenty-eight months to his gallery below. Also added one more of his beard at two years when he competed in the 2017 World Beard and Moustache Championship in Austin, Texas. Gerry reports, “I placed eleventh in the world beard and mustache competition out of a 107 competitors on my two yeard.” Way to grow and go, Gerry!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Gerry’s gallery.