Chris recently raised his beard’s cheek line that had been fairly low. The new beard growth for the higher cheek line is now perfectly even with the previously-existing beard growth. So Chris is now ready to let it all grow out together. His beard is very powerful. So, watch out!
Last night, Chris braved cold temperatures, wind, rain, and the dark of night to get some new photos of his beard’s progress. Above are some sample shots. Click on an image above to view a larger version.
See more of Chris
View more photos of Chris with his incredible beard here:
Chris’ awesome, industrial-strength beard
happy new year and beards to you!
Thank you, Lee. Happy new year to you!
Excellent choice Chris! Looking forward to where you take this amazing crop of whiskers.
Thanks, Bill. Chris’ beard truly is amazing.
One outstanding beard Steve! you never cease to amaze me at the quality of the beards you find to feature on here! Chris’ beard is amazing for sure. what is even more incredible is that is appears that the beard could still be growing even higher on the cheeks! I still see a little dark stubble above that current line…… Truly one impressive growth!
Thank you, Greg! I believe that Chris has about the most amazing beard growth you’ll ever see. And I hope we will see his beard growing even higher on the cheeks.
A very Happy New bearded Year for 2016 Chris, I grew a beard last year but I shaved it off after only 4 months as I thought it was getting too thick, however, my last shave was on Christmas Day morning, my new beard is coming on great, this time I am determined that I will NOT shave it off come April and leave it to grow out naturally. I regret ever shaving it off in the first place as most of my friends and family said that I suited and looked good having a beard.