beard growing season

Today is the first of November.  The date has become sort of the official start of beard growing season in the northern hemisphere.  If you’ve been thinking of growing a beard, it’s a great time to start.  If you’re a little too shy to go it alone, start a beard-growing contest among friends or co-workers.  It’s the perfect excuse.  At the end of the contest, of course, you can always choose to remain bearded.

For those of you in the southern hemisphere, it’s a good time for you to start growing a beard, too.  There’s no real reason why springtime is less appropriate for starting a new beard than is the fall.

Start growing!

One thought on “beard growing season”

  1. For me, any season is beard growing season. I’m always growing a beard. If I have a moment of insanity and cut it off, it’s still beard growing season because I turn right around and start growing it back right away.

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